
NuGet GitHub license

Simple key value storage using sqlite.

All member methods are thread-safe, so a instance can be safely be accessed by multiple threads.

All stored items are serialized to json by

Note: this nuget package contains csharp source code and depends on .Net 4.0.


NuGet Package Details#

You can install using NuGet, see SimpleHelpers.SQLiteStorage at

PM> Install-Package SimpleHelpers.SQLiteStorage

The nuget package contains C# source code.

The source code will be installed in your project with the following file system structure:

|-- <project root>
    |-- SimpleHelpers
        |-- SQLiteStorage.cs


If you prefer, you can also download the source code: SQLiteStorage.cs


// setup:
SQLiteStorage<My_Class> db = new SQLiteStorage<My_Class> ("path_to_my_file.sqlite",
                              SQLiteStorageOptions.UniqueKeys ());


// create a new instance
SQLiteStorage<My_Class> db = new SQLiteStorage<My_Class> ("path_to_my_file.sqlite",
                              SQLiteStorageOptions.UniqueKeys ());

// save an item with a key associated
db.Set ("my_key_for_this_item", new My_Class ());

// get it back
var my_obj = db.Get ("my_key_for_this_item").FirstOrDefault ();

// to save any changes, just call set again
db.Set ("my_key_for_this_item", my_obj);

// get all stored items
foreach (var item in db.Get ())
    // ...

Project Information#