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Simple, lightweight and fast in-memory caching.

MemoryCache implements a fast in-memory, e.g. in-process, caching for data that are expensive to create and are thread-safe. manner.

All items are stored in a concurrent data structure (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary) to allow fast and safe multi-threaded usage through the MemoryCache static methods, with a lightweight background timer (System.Threading.Timer) to remove expired items.


  • Simple to use
  • Fast
  • Lightweight
  • Flexible


NuGet Package Details#

You can install using NuGet, see SimpleHelpers.MemoryCache at

PM> Install-Package SimpleHelpers.MemoryCache

The nuget package contains C# source code and depends on System.Collections.Concurrent introduced in .Net 4.0.

The source code will be installed in your project with the following file system structure:

|-- <project root>
    |-- SimpleHelpers
        |-- MemoryCache.cs


If you prefer, you can also download the source code: MemoryCache.cs


MemoryCache is designed as a static class, so all everything you need is either static properties or methods.

Generic Class#

MemoryCache is a generic class and so two different types cannot access each other cache. Since the JIT compiler will generate different code at run time, for example MemoryCache<string> is a different class from MemoryCache<StringBuilder> or MemoryCache<byte[]>. This is important to remember whenever working with inheritance, since inherited types won’t be able to see its parent MemoryCache.

    MemoryCache<parent> != MemoryCache<child>


MemoryCache uses System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary and every property and method are thread-safe.


Since we are dealing with caching, it is recommended that stored objects be thread-safe, since the same instance of an object can and will be returned by multiple calls of Get methods.

You still can use non-thread-safe objects, see Remove Example or FAQ.


MemoryCache uses a System.Threading.Timer to periodically check for expired items and remove them. The timer step can be configured, see Configuration.

The timer has a lazy start. Only after the first Set call to store an item, the timer will start. If the cache internal dictionary is empty for a while - after 3 runs - the timer is released and only to start again on next Set call.


Simple configuration of the MemoryCache settings.

It should be done for each type, as explained in Implentation.

// setup (called once in application initialization)

// set a duration of an item in the cache to 1 second
MemoryCache<string>.Expiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1);
// set the internal maintenance timed task to run each 500 ms removing expired items
MemoryCache<string>.MaintenanceStep = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (500);
// Our event, if we want to treat the removed expired items
MemoryCache<string>.OnExpiration += (string key, string item) =>
    // do something



Use Set method to store data with a key.

// store an item
MemoryCache<string>.Set ("k1", "test");


Use Get method to retrieve data associated with a key.

// try to get from cache
string value = MemoryCache<string>.Get ("k1");
// check if we got it
if (value != null)
    // ok we got it!


Use Remove method to atomically remove and return the value associated with the specified key.

// try to get from cache
string value = MemoryCache<string>.Remove ("k1");
// check if we got it
if (value != null)
    // ok we got it!


Use GetOrAdd to try to retrieve data from cache and if the data is not present in cache use a factory method to create the new item.

// prepare our factory
var factory = (string key) =>
    return key + DateTime.Now.ToString ();

// try to get the associated value if the cache does not have it
// then use the factory to create a new one, store and return it.
string value = MemoryCache<string>.GetOrAdd ("key2", factory);


Using a more complex concurrent scenario where, if the item is not found, we want to call the factory only once. GetOrSyncAdd guarantees that the factory method will be called only once in case of concurrent invocations. So all concurrent calls will wait until factory has created and stored the new item, and will return it.

// prepare our factory
var factory = (string key) =>
    return key + DateTime.Now.ToString ();

// try to get the associated value if the cache does not have it
// then use the factory to create a new one, store and return it.
// It the factory takes more than 250 milliseconds to create then new instance,
// it will exit returning the default value for the class
string value = MemoryCache<string>.GetOrSyncAdd ("key2", factory, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250));

// check if we got it
if (value != null)
    // ok we got it!


How to deal with non-thread-safe objects#

If you wish to use non-thread safe object instances, you can! Instead of using the Get methods, you must use the Remove method to atomically (safelly) get and remove the object instance from the cache.

Project Information#