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Simple Object Comparer that generates a Diff between objects and is able to Patch one object to transforms into the other.

ObjectDiffPatch uses Newtonsoft.Json internally to create a JObject that we use to run a simple and reliable deep/recursive object comparison.


  • Deep/recursive comparison
  • Reliable
  • Diff
  • Patch


NuGet Package Details#

You can install using NuGet, see SimpleHelpers.ObjectDiffPatch at

PM> Install-Package SimpleHelpers.ObjectDiffPatch

The nuget package contains C# source code.

The source code will be installed in your project with the following file system structure:

|-- <project root>
    |-- SimpleHelpers
        |-- ObjectDiffPatch.cs


If you prefer, you can also download the source code: ObjectDiffPatch.cs



Compares two objects and generates the differences between them returning an object listing all changes.

Detected changes are expressed as two Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject, old and new values.

var diff = ObjectDiffPatch.GenerateDiff (originalObj, updatedObj);

// original properties values
Console.WriteLine (diff.OldValues.ToString());

// updated properties values
Console.WriteLine (diff.NewValues.ToString());


Creates an object snapshots as a Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.

var snapshot = ObjectDiffPatch.Snapshot (obj);

// do something....
do_something (obj);

// log changes
var diff = ObjectDiffPatch.GenerateDiff (snapshot, obj);
if (!diff.AreEqual)
    Console.WriteLine (diff.NewValues.ToString());


Modifies an object according to a diff.

var diff = ObjectDiffPatch.GenerateDiff (originalObj, updatedObj);

// recreate originalObj from updatedObj
var patched = ObjectDiffPatch.PatchObject (updatedObj, diff.OldValues);

Project Information#